Continual Adaptation of Federated Reservoirs in Pervasive Environments


When performing learning tasks in pervasive environments, the main challenge arises from the need of combining federated and continual settings. The former comes from the massive distribution of devices with privacy-regulated data. The latter is required by the low resources of the participating devices, which may retain data for short periods of time. In this paper, we propose a setup for learning with Echo State Networks (ESNs) in pervasive environments. Our proposal focuses on the use of Intrinsic Plasticity (IP), a gradient-based method for adapting the reservoir’s non-linearity. First, we extend the objective function of IP to include the uncertainty arising from the distribution of the data over space and time. Then, we propose Federated Intrinsic Plasticity (FedIP), which is intended for client–server federated topologies with stationary data, and adapts the learning scheme provided by Federated Averaging (FedAvg) to include the learning rule of IP. Finally, we further extend this algorithm for learning to Federated Continual Intrinsic Plasticity (FedCLIP) to equip clients with CL strategies for dealing with continuous data streams. We evaluate our approach on an incremental setup built upon real-world datasets from human monitoring, where we tune the complexity of the scenario in terms of the distribution of the data over space and time. Results show that both our algorithms improve the representation capabilities and the performance of the ESN, while being robust to catastrophic forgetting.

Valerio De Caro
Valerio De Caro
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science

My research interests include Federated Learning, Continual Learning and Randomized Neural Systems.